Belvedere Vodka 6L
Belvedere Vodka is kept natural and authentic to the way Polish vodka has been made for over 600 years. Belvedere is unique thanks to the locally sourced ingredients - Dankowskie gold rye and pristine artesian water from Belvedere's privately owned wells. The rye creates character and the water brings unrivaled smoothness.Ingredients
We keep it natural. Authentic, the way Polish vodka has been made for over 600 years. Belvedere is unique thanks to our two locally sourced ingredients. Dankowskie gold rye and pristine artesian water from our own wells. The rye creates character and the water brings smoothness
Tasting Notes
Full and round with medium body and a naturally smooth, rich and velvety texture. Light vanilla notes sway between sweet and savory, with a hint of black pepper and spice. Sustained with notes of almond, clotted cream and faint brazil nut characteristics.Product Details
Liquor Style | Other White Spirits |
Alcohol By Volume | 40 |
Standard Drinks | 200 |
Closure | Screw Cap |
Region | Warszawa |
Bottled in | Polmos Zyrardow |