Gold Coast

Fat Yak Original Pale Ale 345ml 6pk

$16.99 each


With its golden colour and awesome hop flavours, Fat Yak delivers a refreshingly clean taste. With passionfruit and melon notes along with a hoppy finish that's refreshingly clean on the palate, this is a sure fire favourite with anyone that loves quality brews.

Tasting Notes

Bold and hoppy with grassy notes and dark golden amber in colour. The first impression is the distinctive hop driven fruity and herbaceous aromas providing the characteristic citrus, melon and grassy notes. The slightly toasted, caramelised malty palate is balanced by a mild bitterness and rounded, lingering smooth hop finish.

Product Details

Liquor Style Pale Ale
Alcohol By Volume 4.7
Standard Drinks 1.3
Closure Crown Seal
Region Victoria
Bottled in Australia

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