Glenmorangie 18YO Scotch Whiskey 700mL
The 18 Years Old is a single malt Scotch whisky of serious distinction. Once it has spent fifteen years maturing in American white oak casks approximately 30% is transferred into Spanish Oloroso casks to spend a further three years maturing. Then, when both elements have reached 18 years, we blend them back together to create a whisky with a rich bouquet and full, rounded flavour. For a whisky of this age this expression has maintained, thanks to our delicate floral spirit and fine Oloroso casks, an incredible degree of vibrancy where the raisiny sweetness of the sherry has been toned down by the nuttiness of the American oak. Through the years, our whisky creators have dedicated themselves to their craft, in pursuit of perfection. These peerless whiskies are the culmination of their art. In celebration of such mastery, we bring their most rare and treasured creations to the discerning connoisseur.Award winning:
New York World Spirit Competition 2023 - Double Gold Medal
International Whisky Competition 2023 - Best Single Malt Scotch 3rd Place: 88.98 Pts
International Spirits Competition 2023 - Gold Medal
Malted Barley
Tasting Notes
The taste is balanced between honey, malt and flowery scents. Dates and figs emerge in the background with a hint of wood smoke. The finish is long and enticing with the sweetness of dried fruit and subtle dryness of Oloroso nuttiness.Product Details
Liquor Style | Malt Scotch Whisky |
Alcohol By Volume | 43.0 |
Standard Drinks | 24 |
Closure | Cork |
Region | Scotland |
Sub Region | Tain |