Guinness 440ml 6pk
Guinness's key ingredients are two centuries of glorious brewing craft, roasted malt barley for extra flavour, and twice as many hops for a richer taste. No preservatives. No additives. Just 100% natural, pure ingredients to create the unique flavour of Guinness and the creamy, velvety head that lasts the whole beer through.Tasting Notes
Guinness boasts aromas of roasted barley, coffee, and dark chocolate. On the palate, it’s smooth and creamy, with a well-rounded balance of sweet and bitter notes. The roasted character lingers in the finish, offering a comforting depth that’s unmistakably Guinness.Product Details
Liquor Style | CRAFT - BLACK |
Alcohol By Volume | 4.2 |
Standard Drinks | 1.5 |
Closure | Pop Top |